Midland Line upgrade to increase grain volumes


The project upgrades 77 km of track between Carnamah and Mingenew to 19 TAL, enabling 25% more grain per train and benefiting CBH grain growers.

Midland Line upgrade to increase grain volumes
Illustration © Shutterstock

The Government of Western Australia has confirmed detailed planning for upgrades to the freight rail between the Carnamah and Mingenew section of the Midland Line will commence later this year after an in-principle funding agreement was reached with Arc Infrastructure.

Under the agreement, the State and Federal Governments will allocate up to a combined AU$45 million towards the upgrades from the AU$200 million Agriculture Supply Chain Improvement (ACSI) program, while Arc Infrastructure will contribute AU$22 million.

The project will see around 77 kilometres of track between Carnamah and Mingenew upgraded from a 16-tonne-axle loading (TAL) to 19 TAL, allowing 25% more grain per train to be transported. This will provide immediate operational benefits to CBH grain growers.

Improvements will include replacing all timber sleepers with a concrete/steel sleeper pattern as well as renewing rail infrastructure to allow heavier axle loads, with construction expected to commence next year and be completed in 2026.

The Midland Line transports more than more than 500,000 tonnes of grain to the port in Geraldton yearly.

ACSI program

The Midland Line upgrade is part of the joint Commonwealth and State AU$200 million ACSI program, which will optimise supply chain efficiencies, improve road safety and community amenities, and transport greater volumes of grain by rail in our agricultural regions of Western Australia.

A number of projects have already been delivered or are underway as part of the ASCI program, including major upgrades to a number of rail sidings across the State.

The delivery of the ASCI program is part of the State Labor Government’s election commitment to strengthen freight transport in the State’s agricultural regions.

WA Transport Minister Rita Saffioti commented: “The in-principle funding agreement for the Midland Line upgrade is another welcome milestone for the ASCI Program. The revitalisation of the rail line between Carnamah and Mingenew will allow around 25 per cent more grain per train to be transported on rail to Geraldton Port. Being able to transport more grain by rail to Geraldton means less grain on the road, and that is an important road safety outcome for the region. Delivering rail upgrades in key agricultural regions as part of the $200 million ASCI Program was an important Labor State Government election commitment to our agricultural regions and many of these projects are now either complete or underway. It’s fantastic to see this project moving forward as it will increase our grain on rail capacity and help strengthen our supply chains in key agricultural regions.”