
Belt sweeteners for Manufert


Metso Minerals reports that a customer in the Port of Antwerp has almost doubled the life of its sugar conveyor system and achieved 100 per ...

Paranaguá losing out on soya


The Brazilian port of Paranaguá is losing market share to other ports in respect of exports of soya grain, the leading export commodity in ...

Redwood dredging gets underway


Maintenance dredging at the Port of Redwood City in San Francisco Bay was due to get underway in October. The US$1.6M, 75-day project will d...

Indians buy Oz assets


India’s Gujarat NRE Coke is extending its strategic interests in Australia, buying a 5 per cent stake in Australian Stock Exchange-listed ...

Liverpool up for good scrap


Europe’s largest metal recycling operation is stepping up its strategy of taking scrap movements off Britain’s congested roads by doubli...

North American energy plans


The Great Lakes/St Lawrence Seaway system continues to be one of the world’s major areas for bulk cargo shipments and this year’s naviga...

New magnetic filter


Netherlands-based Goudsmit Magnetic Systems has developed a new, self-cleaning magnetic filter suitable for the de-ferrisation of pressurise...

Bulk up on the west coast


The Port of Longview in Washington state is among the most experienced in dry bulk cargo operations on the NAWC range. Several factors influ...

Pressure on ship loading rates


Although shiploading systems have traditionally been regarded as technically inferior to ship discharging systems, the upsurge in coal deman...

Techint signs ENEL deals


ENELpower, the Italian energy producer, has specified Techint Technologies for a turnkey contract covering two CSUs, each rated at 1500 tph ...
