
Monfer bags up


A combined bulk/bag ship loader/unloader from Roncuzzi Industrial Services Srl, together with dedusting hopper and associated belt conveyor ...

Qasim grain push


New handling equipment has been installed at Port Qasim in Pakistan to increase grain-handling capacity by 20 percent and reduce ship turnar...

Big SA projects in 2003


Latin America is looking like it will become a hot prospect for bulk handling equipment manufacturers in 2003....

Clyde adds ISO-Veyor


Clyde Materials Handling is billing its new V-type ISO-Veyor as a complete solution for storing, transporting and transferring bulk material...

Slag on the Seine


Two of France's leading cement manufacturers, Lafarge and Calcia, have together invested E1.8 mill in a new motorised barge to transport sla...

Cashing in the chips


Wood chips produced in Eastern Canada are increasingly being shipped out of facilities on the coast, such as North Atlantic Marine Terminals...

Precia-Molen in new Tilbury deal


Some 35 years after supplying the original weighing equipment, Precia-Molen UK has revisited the Port of Tilbury's grain terminal to install...

…gypsum on the rails in France


Between 30,000 and 40,000 tpa of bulk gypsum traditionally moved by road tanker from EDF's coal-fired power station at Cordemais to the expo...

Coal problems


Russia's problems on the grain export front are mirrored in the coal market....

Ljungby comes out on top


Ljungby Maskin AB (LM) has pulled off a coup by winning a competition for 12 tonne wheel loaders organised by three construction equipment n...

Fix it with automation?


Semi-automated processes are becoming a more important feature of bulk terminals as operators seek to improve performance levels and, where ...

Magnets in pole position


Once regarded as an expensive last-minute add-on, magnetic separation technology is now seen as a crucial component in the processing mix...

Dig out a market niche


The discharge of small to medium size bulkers is becoming increasingly competitive, particularly in shortsea trades and inland waterway mark...
